
HRV als biomarker

HRV als biomarker

Uit wetenschappelijk onderzoek blijkt dat HRV de beste biomarker is om energie- en stressniveau te meten. Medisch specialisten gebruiken HRV als indicator van iemands gezondheid en herstel. Een lage HRV komt door stress, ontstekingen in je lichaam en overtraining.

Voor meer informatie berekeningen van HRV verwijzen we graag naar https://www.kubios.com/about-hrv/

Wil je meer weten hoe je hrv kunt gebruiken om ziekteverzuim te voorkomen? Neem dan contact op met Lesstress via info@lesstress.biz

In onderstaande links staat een selectie uit wetenschappelijke artikelen die onderbouwen dat HRV de meest betrouwbare biomarker in ons lichaam is om stress te meten. 

  • Effects of heart rate variability biofeedback training in athletes exposed to stress of university examinations - July 26, 2018 - Veronique Deschodt-Arsac, Romain Lalanne, Beatrice Spiluttini, Claire Bertin, Laurent M. Arsac
  • Inclusion of a rest period in diaphragmatic breathing increases high frequency heart rate variability: Implications for behavioral therapy - 2017 - Russell ME, et al. Psychophysiology
  • Non-Linear Methods in HRV Analysis - October 2015 - University of Medicine and Pharma of Tigru-Mures, 9thInternational Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering
  • A review of HRV and its applications - May 2013 - HoangChuDuc
  • Resonant Breathing Biofeedback Training for Stress Reduction Among Manufacturing Operators - January 2015 - Auditya Purwandini Sutarto, Muhammad Nubli Abdul Wahab & Nora Mat Zin
  • Heart rate variability as a biomarker for autonomic nervous system response differences between children with chronic pain and healthy control children - June 2013 - Subhadra Evans, Laura C Seidman, Jennie CI Tsao, Kirsten C Lung, Lonnie K Zeltzer, and Bruce D Naliboff
  • Heart Rate Variability - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Historical description of HRV - 2011 - George E.Billmaa, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA, University of Oulu, Finland: George
  • Proof of high degree of correlation between stress and HRV - 2007 - Information and Communication University, Inje University School of Medicine Seoul, Korea. Lizawati Salahuddin, Myeong Gi Jeong, Desok Kim, Seong-Kyeon Lim , Kim Won , Jong-Min Woo
  • Relationship between emotional burnout and HRV - December 2016 - Lennartsson AK, Jonsdottir I, Sjörs
  • Comparative analysis of blood pressure and HRV as mental stress indicators - June 2004 - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Denmark: Hjortskov N1, Rissén D, Blangsted AK, Fallentin N, Lundberg U, Søgaard K.
  • Influence of Mental Stress on HR and HRV, HRV changes during mental stress - 2008 - University of Leuven, Belgium: J. Taelman, S. Vandeput, A. Spaepen, S. Van Huffel. Influence of Mental Stress on Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability.
  • Heart rate variability: Standards of measurement, physiological interpretation, and clinical use - Maart 1996 - Marek Malik J. Thomas Bigger A. John Camm Robert E. Kleiger Alberto MallianiArthur J. Moss Peter J. Schwartz - European Heart Journal
  • HRV measurement standards - March 1996 - Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and the North American society of Pacing and Electrophysiology.

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